petak, ožujka 27, 2009

Činiti dobro

Nakon čitanja posta, kojim nam je
Studena obratila pažnju na humanitarnu akciju blogera koja je u toku, razmišljala sam na koji način bi mogla dati makar mali doprinos. Jedna od mogućnosti je prilaganje recepta za knjigu recepata od čije će prodaje sav prihod ići u svrhu pomoći gladnoj djeci. Bila bih ponosna da i moj recept uđd u knjigu, a ako ne, knjigu ću svakako kupiti kada izađe iz štampe i barem na taj način dati i svoj doprinos.

Ovo je tekst recepta koji prilažem...

Hurmasice are one of favourite Bosnian sweet pastry. A legacy of Ottoman Empire in Bosnian cooking, these little pastry soaked in rich syrup are great sweet treat for anyone with sweet tooth.

Dough and syrup are made with apple juice molasses which is considered as a healthy substitution for sugar. To make a fruit molasses, the juice is first extracted from fruit before it is boiled and reduced to create dark syrup called pekmez. Pekmez is slightly tart and gives sweets special flavour.

This traditional recipe is my contribution to Blogger Aid Cookbook.


Ingredient List:

• 3 C apple juice molasses, divided
• 5 C water, divided
• 1 C milk
• ½ C clarified butter
• 5 T oil
• 4 C flour
• 1 C sugar

Prep. Instructions:
1. Put 2 cups of water with 1 ½ cups of apple juice molasses, milk, clarified butter and oil into saucepan and bring it to boil.
2. Reduce heat, add all flour and stir it in vigorously . Keep cooking on low heat stirring constantly until smooth paste is formed.
3. Cool the dough and divide it into 16 balls. Press balls against grater to get ellipse shaped cakes with it's characteristical pattern.
4. Bake in preheated oven on 200 ° C about 35 minutes.
5. Bring 3 cups of water, sugar and remaining syrup to boil and cook it until reduced to one half.
6. Pour cold syrup over hot pastry. Allow pastry soak the syrup.Leave them to cool them to room temperature. Leave them in fridge overnight and serve cold.

Broj komentara: 9:

alida kaže...

the recipe doesn't says that you bake them.
can you further explain,please?

Anonimno kaže...

Kapa dolje, draga Selma, odličan recept :)
Na moju sramotu, priznajem, još nisam završila prijevod recepta koji namjeravam poslati, ali ovaj vikend sigurno :)
Hvala ti što si se priključila toj humanitarnoj akciji :)

cosmo2503 kaže...

Alida thanks for remark.

Вера kaže...

Zaista divan gest!Mozda cu se i ja prikljuciti.

Ivy kaže...

Thank you for posting a recipe for the cookbook. I have left you a note on BloggerAid which please read.

Sanela Mallory kaže...

Ta akcija je stvarno za svaku pohvalu. Tebi svaka čast na odličnom receptu:)

Meddi kaže...

Hej Zaviri malo kod mene..imas dvije fine nagrade za pokupiti.. :)

Maja Babić kaže...


molim te, posalji mi slike od stvari koje si isprobala za FBI rukavice, htela bih da ih uvrstim u rundu, ali ne mogu da skidam slike sa Coolinarike.

Hvala i pozdrav,

Anonimno kaže...
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